Homepage de Luan

Articles in category "misc"

Programando a FPGA Tang Nano 9K

by Luan

Posted on 8 July 2023, 16:54

A FPGA Tang Nano 9K é uma placa de desenvolvimento compacta e poderosa, projetada para aplicações de baixo consumo de energia e alto desempenho.

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Installing Matlab in Slackware Linux

by Luan

Posted on 17 May 2021, 20:58

In this article I present the procedure to get Matlab working in Slackware Linux

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Installing HP Deskjet 820Cxi in Slackware 64 14.2

by Luan

Posted on 7 March 2021, 22:06

In this article I describe the steps which I followed to make this printer work in Slackware Linux.

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Send Your Name to Mars

by Luan

Posted on 27 October 2017, 15:01

I created this page to share with my Boarding Passes of missions to Mars. Everybody can participate.

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Welcome to my site

by Luan

Posted on 9 January 2017, 13:26

This is the new interface of my site, yet in construction, but soon with new features.
I will often post about my projects in electronics and programming. Step by step I hope to grow it.

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I am computer engineer and MSc in Informatics graduated in Federal University of Espírito Santo. I am a programming and electronics enthusiast and I made this site to share my ideas and experiments in programming, electronics and DIY. I hope you enjoy it.

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